Projection Domes

In June 2011 Drilling Systems approached us with the concept of creating a projection dome in GRP 5 meters high and deep and 10 meters wide, but in sections to pass through doorways and go in elevators. we gave them some estimated figures and a method statement to show them the process.the time schedule was very tight, but we rose to the challenge and met the finishing dates, The following pictures show how we managed to achieve this. The first unit was installed in Denmark, and a second was installed in Texas.

starting the former starting the former starting the former

creating the section creating the capstone reinforcing the structure

creating the mould creating the mould creating the dome

finished sections assembly assembly

assembly finshed assembly finshed assembly

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Projection Domes

In June 2011 Drilling Systems approached us with the concept of creating a projection dome in GRP 5 meters high, 5 deep and 10 meters wide, but in sections to pass through doorways and go in elevators. we gave them some estimated figures and a method statement to show them the process. The time schedule was very tight, but we rose to the challenge and met the finishing dates, The following pictures show how we managed to achieve this. The first unit was installed in Denmark, and a second was installed in Texas.

starting the pattern starting the pattern starting the pattern

creating the section creating the capstone reinforcing the structure

creating the mould creating the mould creating the dome

finished sections assembly assembly

assembly finshed assembly finshed assembly